Term 1 Conference presentations and resources

The term 1 conference kicked off with an update from Ian May and his team.  He shared with us the journey his team had been on to develop a better understanding of how to frame inclusion in an education setting. Ian spoke with us about the 1 in 4 campaign and the implications that will have for opportunities for professional development and the plans to empower staff to have the skills to support our students with additional needs. We received an update on the ‘Environmental Scan’ that has taken place for Special Schools and the plans to extend this to Disability Unit settings in 2021.

Next we heard from our members showcasing best practice in our state.  The Mount Barker Primary team shared their journey on inclusion and inclusive curriculum planning. The Principal at Port Lincoln Special School spoke of expectations for staff and students and the rewards of setting the bar high. Salisbury North Disability Unit shared their data collection processes and how they celebrate success. Victor Harbour High School explored the NCCD processes and how at their site they have streamlined this to make it more user friendly for teachers.

Another highlight throughout the day was the networking with colleagues and the building of cross site connections.  During the conversations there were sharing of documents, discussions about support and processes and a general good vibe and passion for teaching students who don’t fit in box!

PFD downloads are available for the ABLES and SERU presentations from Rachel Scheuboeck and Using Data from Emma Ramke. 

To View the images from the event, go to the Photo Galleries tab