Term 1 Conference at Adelaide Oval

Face to Face Conferences are back!

Join us at Adelaide Oval in the Premiership Suite for our first conference in 2021.

Date: 12th March 2021

Venue: Adelaide Oval - Premiership Suite

Time: 08:30 - 03:00pm


For the full details, visit https://e.mybookingmanager.com/term1conference2021 

Conference is open to both Members and Non-Members. 

This conference is free for all financial members. Your membership fees must be paid prior to this event for free access otherwise, you will need to attend as a non-member. For all non-members, it is $60.00


If you would like to register to be a 2021 SA SEPLA member, attend all of our conferences for free, be added to our mailing list to receive all of the latest updates and resources, go to https://e.mybookingmanager.com/2021membership to register today!
